
Unlock the Power of Qi Energy

Bring Traditional Chinese Medicine to your Day Spa

Most of us know that Acupuncture is safe and effective, but did you know the same benefits can be reached through acupressure? Our technology provides not only a graphic representation of your client’s Qi energy, but also tells you where and how to apply treatment! It is a scientific approad to acupressure. In addition, it provides information clients can use to improve their health at home such as customized nutrition recommendations.

Heart Meridian

The Principle Behind TOMii Healing System

    1. TCM 12 Meridian Energy Pathways connect hands & legs with internal organs, Zang-Fu
    2. Any Zang-Fu energy imbalance will show blockages in the meridians
    3. Relieve the blockages to help Zang-Fu health by following clear, specific instructions

Improve Your Clients Life, and Your Business

Discover the revolutionary TOMii technology and elevate your spa’s offerings. Become TOMii certified and provide your clients with unparalleled care. Join us and access expert training and ongoing support to ensure your success.

TOMii Healing System will improve all of your KPI’s, including Visits per Client, Spend per Visit and the number of Clients!


Increase Visits per Client.

On average, Day Spa visits per client are 2.3 per year. At TOMii, clients average between 5 and 12 visists per year. That is over double the industry average. Together, you and the client develop health goals and work toward those goals. Improvements are noticed right away, and can also be seen visually through our prorietary technology.

Increase Spend Per Visit.

Our business parnters charge an additional fee for the TOMii services. With the industry average spend per visit around $105, adding an additional $30 per visit adds up quickly. That is on top of the additional times you see your clients every year.

Increase Your Client Base.

Our experienced marketing team can introduce your new services to your community. This opens your Spa to an entirely new customer base; those suffering chronic conditions. Chronic Pain is a big driver of your new business offering.

What Our Partners Are Saying

I found the TOMii product to be an amazing attribute to what we were already doing.

Bonnie – Pono Wellness Spa

Key Benefits of TOMii Technology

Our groundbreaking technology offers a range of features designed to enhance your spa services and client care.

Chronic Pain Relief

Helps alleviate chronic pain by identifying and addressing Qi imbalances that contribute to discomfort.

Boost Immunity

Give your body’s immune system a boost to help fight off cold or virus.

Improved Sleep Quality

Supports better sleep by balancing Qi energy, promoting relaxation and reducing insomnia.

Digestive Health

Enhances digestive function by correcting Qi imbalances, leading to improved overall wellness.

Join Our Free Newsletter

Stay updated with the latest in Qi energy balancing and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive tips, special offers, and insights from our certified TOMii Therapists.

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Paul Proctor

Paul Proctor

Director of Business Development

Direct partnership inquiries to Paul Proctor (paul@tomii.us).

Paul has been with TOMii since 2020 helping to build the TOMii brand and business. This is Paul’s passion project! Working to help promote the health and wellbeing of people across the country, and eventually the world. TOMii brings a clear alterative to Western Medicine. By helping to spread the use of TOMii Wellness System, he is excited to help popularize the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the U.S.

Schedule a meeting here: https://calendly.com/paul-proctor/30min


Please visit our home page at TOMii.us