Small Intestine

The Small Intestine meridian starts at the outside tip of the little finger, goes up the arm, zig-zagging across the posterior shoulder to the nape of the neck, through the neck to emerge below the ear then to the jawbone, the cheek and ends at the temple (although it continues internally to intersect the conception vessel. Oddly, acupoints along the Small Intestine meridian are not used for gastro-intestinal problems but rather for disorders of the head, neck and upper back. There are no particular Acupoints on the Small Intestine meridian that are considered “Golden Acupoints.”

Learn more about each meridian

Disorders related to Small Intestine qi include:

  • Fever
  • Chronic Cough (phlegm)
  • Shoulder and neck pain Sore Throat
  • TMJ Syndrome Mumps Swollen Glands